I remember liking birthdays....

It has been a while since I posted a blog. I've got loads to talk about at the moment, but I haven't had a time to write anything down. 

I'm writing this from a really bad sofa bed in Hamburg, as I woke up next to my touring buddy Dan with both of us moaning about our backs and the prospect of our 6 hour drive to Amsterdam today. There are worst places I could be for sure! It's been an incredible couple of weeks as we've travelled around Europe together and tried to do some gigs in the process. I'll write more about this in the next couple of weeks. 

Today is my 32nd birthday. Thank you in advance for your well wishes and congratulations, but the truth is (as alluded to in my song Bangarang), I don't really like birthdays anymore. Now don't get me wrong, I like any excuse to get my friends together and share their company, and I'm definitely not one who shies away from being centre of attention, but there's something that doesn't sit right with me about them. It's not even the fact that I'm getting older, I think I've been saying I'm 32 for a few months now anyway. It's just easier than saying, I'm nearly 32. I feel sorry for Faye (my wonderful partner) who is always more excited about my birthdays than I am. She's always so thoughtful and thinks of really lovely things to do, and I spend most of the day just shrugging and feeling sorry for myself. 

The truth is I don't really know why I don't like them, I just don't. I'm normally a very positive person, but there's something about it being my birthday which makes me question what I've achieved rather than celebrating it. Which then makes me feel a little uncomfortable about the praise and well wishes coming my way. It's the only day of the year where I do this. The problem is mine and I need to change this attitude. 

This will be a big year for me. As I aim to celebrate my 10th year of being a full time, self employed musician by going to Nashville to make an album, I'm going to be busier than ever and asking more of you than I have ever done before. So, this year is definitely something I should be celebrating. So I will. 

This year, I'm going to embrace the birthday thing and try not to do it behind a veiled grimace. I'm thirty two. I'm touring Europe, I'm going to make an album in Nashville. Things are coming up Millhouse. If you ever hear me moaning about birthdays again, please flick some water in my face. 

Ps. if you want to do something for my birthday, go and stream my songs for a bit. It will help with my Nashville fund. Thanks a lot :D

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